Materials engineering  

Syllabus 1 -Introduction to structural materials: metallic, polimeric, ceramics,composite and smart materials. Phisical and mechanical properties. Microstructure-thermo-mechalical treatments and properties relationships. 2- Mechanical tests: static, impulsive, fatigue, wear tests. Standard Tensile test: Engineering Stress-deformation and true stress-true deformation curves. Elastic modulus, yield, tensile stress and elongation to fracture. Ductility and toughness of materials.Temperature effects. Hardness tests (HV,HB,HR). 3- Cristallography . Short and long range order. Cristalline and amorphous materials. Unit cell, cristallographic systems and Bravais lattices. C.C.C., C.F.C. and HCP lattices. Coordination number and Atomic Packing Factor. Miller and Miller-Bravais indices. Linear and planar atomic densities. Allotrophy. Bragg law and diffractometric tecniques. Optical and Electronic (SEM, TEM) microscopy. 3- Crystal defects: point, linear, planar and volumetric defects. Dislocation theory: edge and screw dislocations. Glide and twinning. Diffusion in solids: first and second Ficks laws. 4- Plastic deformation of crystals. Primary glide systems for c.c.c.,c.f.c. and hcp crystals. Conservative (cross-slip) and non conservative (climb) dislocation motion. Schmid law and critical resolved shear stress. Movement and moltipication of dislocation (Frank and Read sources). Yielding and Luders band formation in low carbon steels. 5- Failure mechanisms: ductile and brittle (cleavage, intergranular) mechanisms of rupture. Optical and Electronic (SEM, TEM) microscopy. Residual stresses. Fracture mechanics: stress intensity factor, plane stress and triassial stress states and KIC test. 6- Phase diagrams. Tie-line and rule of leverage. Equilibriun and non equilibrium cooling effects. Eutectic, peritettic and eutectoidec trasformations. Fe-Fe3c phase diagram. Steels and cast irons. Isohermic trasformations ant TTT Bain diagrams. CCT curves and factor influencing Bain curves. 7- Fatigue. Fatigue test and Wohler curves. Fatigue initiation, propagation and final rupture. Effect of surface finish, residual stresses, dimension, stress, notch and environment on fatigue resistance. Surface treatments: shot peening and thermal treatments (carburizing, nitriding ecc.). 8- Creep. Stress and temperature effects. Primary, secondary anr terziary creep stages. 9- Siderurgy: cast iron and carbon stees pruduction. Blast furnace and electric furnaces and converter.Elements in steels, impurities, standard elements and alloying elements.UNI-EN 10027 standard steel classification. General purpose constructional Carbon steels, weldaility, HSLA steels, resulphorized steels, hardening and tempering steels, spring steels, bearing steels, ecc. Cast irons. 10- Stainless steels. Fe-Cr and Fe-Ni phase diagrams. Ferritic, martensitic, austenitic, duplex and Precipitation Hardening steels. AISI classification. Maraging steels. 11- Non ferrous alloys. Aluminium alloys: Aluminium Association classification and Aluminium families. Precipitation hardening treatments and microstructural evolution during artificial ageing of cu-bearing alloys. Copper alloys: classification, brass, bronze and cupronichel alloys.Titanium and its alloys. Microstructure and mechanical properties. Alpha, Beta and alfa + beta alloys.Magnesium and its alloys. Nichel based superalloys. 12- Thermal treatment of carbon steels. Fully annealing, normalizing, quenching and tempering. Temprability and Jomini test. 13- Polimeric materials. General properties and mechanical properties. Addiction and condensation process for polimerization. Thermoplastics and thermosetting polimers. Elastic and plastic deformation of thermoplastics and stress-strain curves. Elastomers.Polimers production tecniques. 14- Ceramic materials. Traditional and advanced ceramics. Mechanical testing of ceramics and effect of porosity. Refractory ceramics and abrasives. Glasses. 15- Composite materials.Particulate and fiber reinforced composites. Stree-strain curve of continuous fiber reinforced composites. Polimeric, metallic, ceramic reinforced composites. Production techniques of composite materials. 16- Corrosion and protection of metallic materials. Electrochemical mechanism of wet corrosion. Thermodinamic aspects. Immunity, activity and passivity. Kinetics of wet corrosion: exchange current, overpotential and charge transfer.Tafel equations Anodic and cathodic polarization curves. Evans curves and concentration overpotential. Mechanism of differential areation. Passivity of metals and alloys. Pitting and crevice corrosion. Pren index for stainless steels. Galvanic corrosion. Stress corrosion cracking, Hydrogen embrittlment. Hot corrosion. Oxidation resistance of carbon and stainless steels at high temperatures.
Materials engineering

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